Thursday 23 February 2006


Sewaktu di Leipzig, Ulrich (Ulli, Steffen's friend) ngajak kita lunch di suatu kedai fast food dgn spesialisasi Bagel. Hm apa ya itu? aku sih kayaknya pernah denger dari tipi-tipi gitu deh tp seperti apa rasanya kayaknya belun pernah ngrasain deh hehehe. sekilas dari gambarnya kayak Donat kan tp ternyata beda. Jenis Bagelnya sendiri macem-macem. Kamu bisa pilih mau Bagel kosongan (natural), coklat, Bagel rasa tomat, rasa keju, rasa kayu manis, rasa berry, rasa jagung, apa Bagel yang pake wijen. Selanjutnya kamu bisa pilih isinya. Hm aku sih pilih yg Sesamme Bagel Turkey Taste, soalnya itu yg paling keliatan masuk akal and recommended by the restaurant.

Absolutely different from Donut. Rotinya lebih kenyal dan tebal. Tapi by the way semua roti di Jerman sini keras-keras dan menurut mereka itu yang bagus. Yang kaya akan gandum. So I guess they have a strong teeth anyway :o)

So what is Bagel? According to Wikipedia, Bagel is a bread product traditionally made of yeasted wheat dough in the form of a roughly hand-sized ring which is boiled in water and then baked. The result is a dense, chewy, doughy interior with a browned and sometimes crisp exterior. The dough may also be flavored to produce many varieties: salt, onion, garlic, egg, pumpernickel, rye, sourdough, whole wheat, multigrain, cinnamon-raisin, cheese, caraway, blueberry, and muesli among others. Bagels may be topped with seeds such as poppy or sesame, which are baked onto the outer crust. Though often made with sugar, malt syrup, or honey, bagels should not be confused with doughnuts (donuts).

Want to know more about the Bagel I ate at Leipzig, you can visit Yup, that's exactly the place where I enjoyed every bites of my Turkey taste Bagel...yummy...slurp...ahhh.

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